Certification Information
Explore the Certified Picture Framer® or Master Certified Picture Framer® Programs!

Certified Picture Framers®
The Benefits of a CPF® Designation
Show your distinction as a Certified Picture Framer® by achieving a standard of excellence that can be trusted throughout the industry. With the CPF® designation, you’ll instantly gain professional recognition from colleagues, employees, and customers. Certification is available to custom picture framers around the world, with testing available in Imperial and Metric options.
History of the Certification Program
The Certified Picture Framer® (CPF®) examination was developed in 1986 in conjunction with Educational Testing Services (ETS) to provide professional recognition to individuals successfully completing the established criteria. In developing the CPF® program, PPFA sought the expertise of industry leaders, representing a wide range of educational backgrounds and proven talents in the picture framing industry.
The objectives of the certification program are to:
- Standardize the principles and practices of the profession.
- Encourage self-assessment by offering guidelines for achievement.
- Award recognition to those who have met the established criteria.
- Expand education within the industry by encouraging participation in continuing education programs.
Eligibility for the Certified Picture Framer® (CPF®) Exam
Any picture framer who has a minimum of one year of hands-on experience in retail or wholesale picture framing may apply for the certification. Furthermore, a person who passes the written examination of certification will receive the designation of Certified Picture Framer® (CPF®).
How to Prepare
To prepare for the 3-1/2 hour written CPF® exam, download a study guide from the PPFA online store. The study guide includes a list of recommended study material and practice questions. The recommended study material is available for purchase from the PPFA Online Store. In addition, the “Introduction to the CPF® Exam” seminar will be held at select locations and study groups will be offered throughout the year.
Taking the CPF® Exam
The written CPF® Exam is offered (in Imperial or Metric) at the annual PPFA Convention and other PPFA Events. It is also available online. Information on how to arrange for a proctor and take the online exam is available when you register. The price is the same online and onsite. Any questions email certification@ppfa.com
CPF® Exam Prices
PPFA Members: $225 USD
Non-Members: $425 USD

Master Certified Picture Framer®
Benefits of an MCPF® Designation
The MCPF® Designation is the advanced level of certification offered by the Professional Picture Framers Association™ and one of the most prestigious in the framing industry. The MCPF® designation certifies the holder has demonstrated a knowledge of preservation framing by passing a practical, extensive hands-on exam where framing skill and knowledge have been assessed by a set of PPFA™ certified MCPF® examiners. With the MCPF® designation you will gain professional recognition from colleagues, employees, and customers. There are only a select number of Master Certified Picture Framers around the world.
History of the MCPF® Program
In 2000, the Certification Board determined a need for an advanced certification and developed the Master Certified Picture Framer® program. The program was developed in conjunction with several conservators and utilized existing published methods of framing to develop a set of criteria on which to base the evaluation of the MCPF® candidates.
Eligibility for the Master Certified Picture Framer® (MCPF®) Exam®
A framer who has been a professional framer for five years, has passed the Certified Picture Framer® (CPF®) exam, and has taken a Recertification Course, is eligible to advance and earn the prestigious Master Certified Picture Framer® (MCPF®) designation.
Taking the MCPF® Exam
Achieving the MCPF® designation requires a candidate to meet rigorous qualifications, including successful completion of a hands-on custom framing examination administered by PPFA and demonstrating a thorough knowledge of preservation framing. The candidate will be given 90 (ninety) minutes to complete additional Framing Challenges. These Challenges will demonstrate the candidate’s knowledge of “Best Framing Practices”.
MCPF® exam consists of two parts. The candidate submits four framed articles including a canvas, a print, a textile, and an object. These are to be framed to very high preservation standards. They are taken apart and scored by MCPF® examiners. The candidate is also given 90 minutes to address the mounting and framing of a fifth and sixth item at the test site, thus demonstrating a thorough knowledge of preservation framing.
The MCPF® Exam is offered at the annual PPFA Convention.
MCPF® Continuing Education
Those holding the MCPF® designation are required to recertify every 4 (four) years and to take 4 (four) MCPF® Continuing Education classes in 4 (four) years. These classes (open to all framers) meet the requirements for MCPF® Continuing Education Credit and are held at the Annual Convention; MCPF® CE classes also may be offered at other times of the year at other PPFA events.
MCPF® Exam Prices
PPFA Members: $495 USD
Non-Members: $695 USD
- MCPF® and CPF® designation holders are required to take an authorized Course once every four years.
- The Course is an educational program. It is not a test, but a course to share new knowledge and techniques.
- Course instructors are MCPFs who have completed a protocol in order to be certified to teach the course.
- The Course is offered at the Annual Convention. It is also offered at PPFA events throughout the year.
Those earning the CPF® and MCPF® designations receive the right to use CPF® or MCPF® after their name; receive a certificate and lapel pin; and can purchase materials from the online store to promote their designation.
CPF® or MCPF® Recertification
PPFA Members: $195 USD
Non-Members: $395 USD